Thursday, May 23, 2013

R5 in Europe

R5 will be playing two shows in Europe: one in Paris on June 30th at the Nouveau Casino and one more show in the UK. Unfortunately, these are the only two shows the group will be doing in Europe. The reason for this is the group's hectic scheduling for those next couple of months. The group also needs to finish up their new album which is set to drop in early Fall of this year. Ross will actually be doing promos for Disney Channel in Paris and the UK on the days when their shows are. The group will simply accompany Ross and perform at night following all the promos Ross will be doing with Disney during the day, which they are doing for the fans in those 2 countries. They wish they could do more shows but there is no time for more shows right now unfortunately. Rest assured they will do their best to come back and play more shows as soon as possible! No European Tour or any other tours are currently planned at this time. R5 will drop to do some occasional shows here and there from time to time when their schedules allow it including around December time, however another actual big tour may not be until next Spring sometime.


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